Change Log ========== Version 1.2.5 * Fixed problem with ragged nesting of numpy arrays Version 1.2.4 * Pype updated to support sklearn v1.0+ * Fix for scipy stats.median_abs_deviation * Removed circle_ci deployment of documentation Version 1.2.3 * Removed patch_sampler transform Version 1.2.2 * Fix Pype initialization - pwoller * Deprecation fixes * Changed name for predict_segmented_series to predict_unsegment in pipe * Added predict_as_series convenience function in pipe Version 1.2.1 * Implement predict_segmented_series for Pype, which resamples the prediction to the original time series sampling * Updated feature rep example to show usage * Introduced Segment class to replace SegmentX and SegmentXY, and as a base class for SegmentXYForecast to avoid code duplication * Fix nn_training_curve example Version 1.1.1 * Fix for imbalanced-learn resamplers by Matthias Gazzari Version 1.1.0 * Support for imbalanced-learn resamplers by Matthias Gazzari Version 1.0.9 * allows for vector targets, to support one-hot or multi-label encoding * supports unsorted time series data * supports time series data with duplicate time stamps (fixing scipy interp sorting) * fixed numpy deprecation warning for test_base Version 1.0.8 * added function for creating TS_Data from pandas * minor bug fixes Version 1.0.7 * step parameter defined for Segment transformers, which can be used to specify the sliding window segmentation instead of overlap parameter (Matthias Gazzari) * bug fix - variance feature calculation Version 1.0.6 * ``order`` parameter defined for Segment transformers. Using 'C' ordering improves ANN estimator performance. * ``__repr__`` defined for callable feature classes * ``FunctionTransformer`` contributed by Matthias Gazzari * __repr__ attributed added to ``TemporalKFold`` by Matthias Gazzari * ``InterpLongToWide`` contributed by Philip Boyer Version 1.0.5 * ``FeatureRepMix`` transformer contributed by Matthias Gazzari (qtux) * Added verbosity control to ``FeatureRep`` transformer Version 1.0.4: * Fixed bug with ``Interp`` transformer and improved its unit testing * Added preprocessing module with ``TargetRunLengthEncoder`` transform * Further features functions contributed by Matthias Gazzari (qtux) Version 1.0.3: * Continuous integration fixes * Documentation and unit testing improvements Version 1.0.2: * Added further features Version 1.0.1: * Improvements to documentation, error checking, and unit tests * feature_functions min and max changed to minimum and maximum respectively Version 1.0.0: * Major API change integrating preprocessing and estimation into single pipeline (Pype) * Note this is unfortunately not backwards compatible * Added Interp transformer for resampling time series Version 0.2.0: * Added transformer for segmenting data set with padding and / or truncation * Implemented random_state initialization for SegPipe * Corrected documentation for FeatureRep Version 0.1.6: * First stable version